Dark Elf Cold One Knights


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SKU: dark-elf-cold-one-knights


Cold Ones are dark and feral beast that can be found in Lustria and Naggaroth. They are large and scaly reptilian beasts with sharp teeth and large claws. Lustrian Cold Ones hunt in the tropical jungles, while Cold Ones in Naggaroth prefer the damp warmth of caves to the cold weather outside.


Cold Ones may be solitary, or they may hunt in packs. They are aggressive and have a liking of horse flesh, and normal horses are terrified by them. However, Cold Ones are not particularly intelligent, and tend to suffer from stupidity, which can paralyse them at the wrong moment.

The Dark Elf Cold One Knights must cover themselves in the poisonous saliva of these beasts in order to ride them. The Dark Elves also use two of the beasts to pull Cold One Chariots. Long-term exposure to the powerful poison destroys the nerves of the skin so that the knights have little sensation. Knights also use them for the arena game shakhtila which pits two teams of Knights against each other – the object of the game is to kill more slaves than the opposition.[1]

Certain Lizardmen Saurus may be spawned with the instinctive ability to tame and ride Cold Ones. Perhaps the normally vicious Cold Ones recognize a similar cold-blooded cunning in these Saurus. These Saurus form into units of Cold One Riders and serve as shock cavalry.


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